Our lending solution capability ranges from customer acquisition, application, identity verification, loan origination, automated decision engine, and funding, right through to the ongoing management of the loan during your customers’ loan lifecycle.
Savings & Term Deposits
Fundamental to your success, Ultracs offers a range of highly flexible and functionally rich options in the creation of your savings and CD’s product set including IRA and HSA accounts. Process oriented workflows automate the opening of accounts ether within Ultracs or utilizing self-service channels.
A range of payment solutions are available to offer to your customers including transfers, member checks, and bill payments.
The Ultracs solution supports ATM-only cards, debit cards or credit cards; our card solutions to manage from application to card issue and ongoing portfolio management, including self-service options for your customers.
Fraud Protection
We have a solution that will monitor every transaction, and alert you to anomalies. Fraud Interceptor is a multi-channel defense against fraudulent activity and OFAC / anti-money laundering that operates in real-time, analyzing every transaction at the database level. Fraud Interceptor is a tool unlike any in the world.
Workflow Management
Achieve your business outcomes sooner with automation and workflow optimization increasing your overall productivity. Technology is the enabler and the Ultracs core processor gives you additional tools to create your best possible member experience with an evolved system that allows you to create alerts, send messages, create documents and perform multiple tasks in one.
Reporting & Consolidation
We offer over 500 standard reports, or you can create your own reports and dashboards from your data warehouse. We equip you with the tools to access information that suits every part of your
Third Party Application Integration
Our API Connector gives you flexibility to build your own customer experience if our pre-built one doesn’t match your needs. Giving you the best of all worlds you can choose the services you need while keeping your Ultracs core processor as the single source of all truth for your members’ data.